I came home from school with the intention of getting through my homework first so that i can have time to relax (not really). But, i ended up falling asleep (my intention all along). I had the weirdest dream ever. Going to sleep with your head full of lessons from the day topped off with watercolor paintings and magazines will do that to you. i was sitting with my math textbook out and i was doing my math homework, except i was using a paintbrush. Not those stupid plastic watercolor brushes, but a real Mulan type brush. I was to find the greatest common factor in several problems, so i dipped my paintbrush into my text book and gently lifted it up so that a wisp of numbers would float off the page and follow my brush. It was like when Dombledore took out a copy of a memory from his head in the Harry Potter movie. The numbers were transparent and they elegantly danced behind the brush like i was a ribbon twirler. i danced around with them, watching as the rays of sunset made them twinkle the colors of the rainbow. With my paintbrush i lead the three's into waltzing with the sevens and the x's and y's into leaping and twirling around each other. then i turned back to my sketch book and lightly stroked the page with my brush so that it left behind the numbers, now paintings.
This is amazing.