Monday, November 23, 2009

second to last

I can’t believe how fast worship went by. It seems like we have only just meet Joy and yet I feel like I have known her for a while. I love how comfortable the class is. This helped me today because I had a chance to perform. This was only my second time performing and yet I feel like I have improved. Watching other people perform gave me the confidence to perform myself. I've been taking into account the tips and tricks we learned in class and applied them to when I practice at home. The breathing advice helped a lot. I took a deep breath before I started and I instantly felt better. I was able to get through my monologue without thinking about if I did something wrong. I just have to remember to breathe throughout the entire monologue now and not just before and after. I need to take my time and relax.  I wasn’t frustrated like I was the last time when I went up today. I'm learning to take in my mistakes as a positive because they will only help me learn. I can work on fixing my other problems now. Now that I've got the monologue memorized and analyze I can play with different ways of performing it. I do it in the same tone throughout, so it would be interesting to experiment with finding different emotions. 

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