Sunday, November 22, 2009

love is blind

Today I did the obvious thing that an average teenage girl would do and I saw New Moon. I honestly cannot tell you if the movie was any good. I can’t give you my opinion on the movie. I can’t even tell you if the book was good. I cant because I already feel emotionally connected with the franchise. All I remember of my time reading the books was picking them up, being sucked into this alternate universe and then being violently thrown out as soon as I read the last word. I don't really remember anything else I did while I read the series because my mind was wrapped so tightly around it. Now that’s its been almost two years since reading them, I can go back, re-read them and notice all the flaws in Stephanie Meyers writing. I know that the plot is forced and that the characters that I once thought so greatly of are nothing but depressed suicidal teenage girls, emo abusive boyfriends and ill-tempered dogs. I cannot even give you an opinion of the book knowing this now because I know that it made me smile, laugh, cry and yell. Maybe this is because the book "feeds" me. It tells me exactly what I want to hear. Haters of the franchise say that the only reason it has become popular is because it gives teenagers what they want. The perfect boy, the perfect romance, the perfect best friend. And so here I sit trying to pick apart the movie, to analyze it and see what made it good and what made it bad. But I cant. I'm lost in that alternate universe that I explored those two years ago. I'm sure that people who haven’t been affected by the vampire virus can see it for what it actually is, a movie. But for now, ill just wait till I can see clearly. Maybe that’s what makes a movie good, when you don’t know what to think afterwards. 

1 comment:

  1. "I cant because I already feel emotionally connected with the franchise."

    Oh my LORD what a sentence!!!

