Thursday, April 26, 2012

Final Project

It's been a while. Feels good to be back. I will be focusing on visual art for my independent project, mainly water colors and water based pastels. Im interested in faces and odd use of color. For the past three days I've been looking at the art of contemporary artists that I admire such as Micheal Shapcott and Pakayla Biehn as well as photographs using instagram, of The Carstales, a colorful river in Colombia and japansese ink art. On the first day I sketched a picture of my cousin that I took using a disposable camera app on my iphone. I realized that I needed practice drawing faces accuratly and to scale and so on the second day I grided another picture of my cousin that I took. That day I did a quick charcoal drawing of the picture. I liked the messiness of the charcoal but hated its blandness. I did a watercolor version of the grid drawing using a grid as well but only outlined the figure the second time. Yesterday I started a grid for a pastel version. Im trying to figure out what medium I like the most. To be honest, I did not get much done yesterday. I have to figure out a way to post pictutes from my iPhone and I'll be back.

1 comment:

  1. There is a free iPhone app called BlogPress which I use, it will couple directly to this blog if you want it to. I use mine all the time - I shot pictures, then write my post and shoot the whole thing up online to my blog. Piece of cake!
