Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stream Of Consciousness

This is just a short post. I just wanna write to clear my head. I am beginning to see a pattern.I start my daily practice at around 11:30 to 11:59 every night. I don't know why I wait until the day is almost over. I guess I could say that it's procrastination, but I have fun doing it. Don't people procrastinate when they have to do something that they don't want to? The practices are getting easier and easier to write. I usually make little mental notes in my head when I overhear something that is worthy enough to write about, but by the time that I sit down to write it, the conversation goes in a completely different direction. 
Oh and also, the super bowl commercials are in every way artistic. So, if you find yourself buying ridicules amount of doritoes, blame the artists. 
That is all. 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 2

11:51 Day 2 and i almost missed it. I didn't forget, I've been thinking about this all day and starting conversations in my head. i keep rejecting them. but if Im going to write 365 conversations not all of them are going to be decent, so i cant worry about that right? and its great if i get inspiration, but I shouldn't be thinking of them in my head, the best ones come when i write it as if it were unscripted, as if the people were really saying it. woah, ok 11:54. I better start before its too late

Person A: You were real funny in math this morning. The comment about her butt, I tried so hard not to laugh. 

Person B: Oh thanks. I didn't know you heard me.

Person A: I was just listening. You keep me from falling asleep in that class, its so boring. 

Person B: Oh...uh, yeah it is. Um thanks. 

Person A: So, did you get the math homework?

Person B: Yeah. (silence), Why do you need it? 

Person A: Oh no, actually did you understand number five? 

Person B: That was the one with the- uh we had to graph that one right?

Person A: Yeah. 

Person B: Oh, ok. the answer was I think "C".  yeah it was hard.

Person A: Yeah

Person B: Yup

Person A: Ok well thanks, see ya.

Person B: Um, wait uh, did you get number 7?

Person A: I dont remember.

Person B: Oh. yeah i dont remember half the stuff we do in that class too. haha

Person A: (shrugs shoulders)

Person B: I cant understand anything she says and then she gives us so much homework.

Person A: I guess.

Person B: Like, we have four sheets today. 

Person A: I dont know, i got to go. 

Person B: Oh ok, well ill see you around maybe, haha math tomorrow, yeah alrighty then... 

Person A: (gone)

I'm not sure if the conversations clear enough or if i should at least put titles. Ehh I want people to interoperate it differently. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

day 1

Person A: You just passed it.

Person B: No.

Person A: Yeah you did. See that turn there? You were supposed go through the gas station to go there. See?

Person B: What are you talking about?

Person A: We have to go all the way around now.

Person B: You think you know everything.

Person A: No I don't.

Person B: You think you know more than me about driving? Ehh? You think you know more than me?

Person A: No. I never said that. 

Person B: Idiot, i've been here a hundred times. I know where im going. 

Person A: No you don't because we're going the wrong way! 

Person B: (sarcastically) yeah.

Person A: Yeah? Im right. You know I'm right, thats why you ignore me. We are going to freaking canada now!

Person B: You think you know more than me about this? You don't know anything. Don't you dare tell me what to do.

Person A: I'm not! What are you saying?  You think you know everything.

Person B: I know more than you. Its just ahead, see idiot. 

Person A: Fine. Whatever.

Person B: Where the hell are we?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

new religion

If I were the world, the world would revolve around me. I would not revolve around myself if I weren't the world. 
This is not a poem, or anything of the sort. I just needed to say something without really saying it, like the Beetles song. I was impressed as to how John Lenin confessed to an affair by song and nothing really was reveled. 

Anyway I was thinking, I really enjoyed writing those few scrips that we wrote in my theater class last year, not so much for the stories I wrote, but because I found it interesting how different people I made up would respond to each other. So, for my 365 I was wondering if I could write a conversation a day. Not conversations that I hear throughout the day (although I could be inspired by one)  but ones that I make up. I want to explore how characters can express themselves using words and by not actually saying what they are feeling. Like Luke once said, sometimes when we ask if someone would like a cup of tea, we mean something completely different. They would be between two people, and a story doesn't have to be involved, i just want to see how these two people communicate. they could be short and sweet or long and dramatic.