Sunday, October 31, 2010

Movie? What Movie?

I tried not to think about the movie over the weekend. So go ahead and ask me the name, because I don't know it (actually I do). It was difficult to take my mind off the movie, but I don't want to write about my opinion of it so far because I want to see the entire film first. It wouldn't be fair to write about it on my blog when I haven't fully absorbed it in yet. That would be like judging a book by its cover. Of course I already know that I really like the movie and my opinion on it probably wouldn't change. But still, writing about it would be like critiquing a painting that you only saw half of. Does it even matter if the half you saw you liked? I'm not making any scene.
Anyway, this week we alternated between book binding workshop and working on our scrips. My group was first up for book binding. At first I was really frustrated. It takes a lot of patience to bind books. I cursed more that day that I ever did my entire time in high school. But after a deep breath, some help from fellow classmates and some reassuring words from Carl, I managed to enjoy making my little book. It came out better than I expected. That might be because at the rate I was going, I expected cardboard paper throw up.
It was very easy to work with my Be Kind Rewind group. Although we did get side tracked a couple of times we did get a lot done. Whenever we would get stuck someone would suggest something and we would all jump right into it again. I love the way ideas flow between us. I love doing projects like this. STAC is so much different from my other classes where the more people in a group makes it harder to work together. But with us more people mean better results.

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