Saturday, April 17, 2010

Workshop 2

I left workshop on Friday feeling a little more steady than I did when workshop was over on Wednesday. On wednesday I left feeling relieved but also shaky, like anything could push me to the extremes of my emotions. This time I was more sure of the way I felt, which was happy.
At the beginning of the workshop we all laid down in a circle while Mr. Jim made us visualize a forest. He made us imagine finding a child in the forrest, and eventually we discovered that the child was ourselves. I thought that this was really interesting. At the end of workshop a couple of the girls and I were talking about how badly we treat ourselves, but we will do anything to protect the child within us. This reminded me about something that Mr. Jim said about how the best thing we can do for ourselves is acknowledge the way we are feeling. If you are angry, you should accept that you are angry and not try to hide it from your inner child because that's the only way you can find her again (or something like that).
We also listened to a song about loneliness while we swayed together in a giant group hug. I felt so surrounded and safe after this. It's funny how music can influence you so much.

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