Monday, December 14, 2009

Take Me Over

Sometimes I want to be taken over. Just so that I can forget about myself for a while. My class is doing a yoga unit and our teacher keeps telling us to "forget about your problems. Let your mind go blank. Let any worries that you had throughout the day float away". I never understood that. I can’t forget about the problems I have because I carry them with me by just being me. Its impossible for me to let the stress of my history test next period to just float away. Being stressed over a test is who I am.  I try to let my mind go blank but it only brings my problems to the surface. So it was very refreshing to let myself go today in class. Walking around as someone else brought new problems that weren't mine. They were so interesting to experience. I saw everybody differently as well. Megan angered me, Barry was below me and Luke scared me. Even at those times when I felt as if I was breaking character I still thought a little like her. As if I really was Irene and Irene didn't want to become Kalli. I feel bad for those art haters out there who aren't able to let loose for a while. They’re stuck with themselves for the rest of their lives. 



  1. at the comm center, i agree with you, we were taken over- but the best part about it, personally, was that we didn't have to put much work into it. most of all though, i want to give you props on not breaking loose- u really did become irene and stuck with her till the last minute :) and it is a really good way to think about artists who cannot/ won't do this exercise...they miss out on not only a great acting lesson, but also a great life lesson

  2. So like I said yesterday, there's this artist you should listen to. I thought of her while reading this post. This post was probably the most honest post I've yet to read, awesome!

    So the artist is called Kaki King. She's this great guitarist, hopefully you'll dig it.
